Title - The 52 story Tree House
Author - Andy Griffiths
Illustrator - Terry Denton
Rating ****
The 52 story tree house is a story about two boys named Terry and Andy. The needed someone to help them her names was Jill, they needed her so she could talk to a caterpillar but, Jill was asleep and she needed to be kissed by a prince to wake up, and the also were trying to find Mr Big Nose who is there publisher. They went up to a vegetable kingdom and dressed up as vegetables and they the asked the prince to kiss Jill, he did. After that when Jill woke up she took of her costume and then the vegetables got mad at them and put them in a dungeon. Luckily there was Mr Big nose who was there to, and then even better the caterpillar came and ate through the door so they were free.
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